Teaching Activity 1: Literary Devices

Literary Devices

The assignment below is designed for students to further review literary devices previously discussed in class. The students are reintroduced to key literary devices and asked to find music videos that effectively use three of these devices. Then the students are encouraged to use higher order thinking/writing work by supporting their claim that the video selected is a best example of the literary devices.

Learning Objectives

  • Student interprets, analyzes, and critiques author’s use of literary devices.

Opening/Essential Question

  • Ask students to list as many literary devices that they remember from previous classes and list on the board.

Prior Knowledge

  • Review literary devices:
    • In groups, students are given a few literary devices to share with the class. The words and their meanings are also written on the board:  allegory, alliteration, allusion, analogy, antithesis, cacophony, characterization, characterization, conflict, connotation, euphemism, flashback, hyperbole, imagery, irony, metaphor, oxymoron, personification, plot, prologue, satire, setting, simile, symbol, suspense, theme, and tone.

Lesson Beginning

  • Class Discussion
  • Students identify various literary devices used in the video


  • Briefly discuss article to compare with the students’ original thoughts.

Culminating Activity

Students select a music video that effectively uses several (at least three) of the literary devices listed above. The students write a one paper response about how this video effectively uses the literary devices.


In groups, students share their videos and the group members try to identify literary devices in the video. Then the students discuss what they found in their own video and shares the concepts in their papers. The group members offer feedback.



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