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Audience Awareness Activity

Notice to Portfolio Viewers

I use this activity (or similar variants) to remind students in courses like the ones proposed by my sample syllabi of the influence audience holds over how we express meaning. I think this activity provides entertaining and engaging way to contextualize a potentially challenging concept. This activity is designed to be conducted early into the semester when discussing writing as a process. This activity can also lead into discussions of community, culture, class, and value.



Audience Awareness Activity

(Insert Date Here)



This class activity will help us to better observe how the concept of audience affects the way the writer/speaker presents their message. You have each been assigned to a group and, as you are reading this, your instructor is writing a numbered list on the board. Each entry on the list represents a different intended audience.



You are to write a letter that tells an impressive story. The audience for that letter corresponds to the entry on the provided list that shares the number of the group the student is in. Letters should be brief (no more than a couple of paragraphs) you will be given 10 minutes to compose your letter.


After ten minutes, groups will come together and be given another 10 minutes to read and discuss the letters each member composed. Try to make note of any recurring commonalities in topic, word choice, tone, and other writing mechanics. Any noticeable differences should also be observed, as they are equally of note.


Once all groups have had a chance to discuss their letters, we will come together as a class to critically examine how each group engaged with their assigned audience. Volunteers are more than welcome to read their letter to the class.


*For Portfolio Viewers

Common audiences I like to incorporate into this project include:

  • A prospective employer
  • Your mother/father
  • A man/woman you secretly admire
  • Your Congressperson/ State Representative
  • Your sibling/best friend
  • A contemporary celebrity figure
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